Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hosea, a Hooker, and God's Love for You

Talk about a potential for ministry burn-out!  

In the ancient Middle East between 792-753 BC, the Creator called Hosea into ministry with an unusual assignment. Marry an unfaithful woman. Know that she will repeatedly cheat on you, and lapse into prostitution. But love her and invest in her anyway.
As the ultimate Teacher, God enjoys using object lessons to grab his learners’ attention with wild, unconventional methods. Throughout time, he has asked his prophets to dig holes through solid city walls, to break jars, to bury twigs, to tie themselves up for a period of time, and to even run around with no pants on. He’s a wild God, isn’t he?

Each of those assignments had a vivid point to make, showing God’s power, love, and plans for his people, despite hard times. Hosea’s assignment was no different. 

“My people’s hearts keep wandering away from me,” the Creator confided to Hosea. “There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land… She has not acknowledged that I was the one who gave her the grain, the new wine and oil, who lavished on her the silver and gold.” 

“She went after her lovers, but me she forgot.” 

“Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her,” mused the heartsick Creator. “I will make the valley… a door of hope. There she will sing as in the days of her youth.” 

You are being wooed. You are being allured. The Creator longs for relationship with you.

Whatever your past, whatever your history with him, he longs for relationship with you. He chases after you. He is heartsick for you, and he is a God of reconciliation. 

Need a door of new hope? Want to sing like in the early days? He is calling you into the desert and speaking tenderly to you…


cabinart said...

This brought to mind 2 thoughts:

1. Poor woman's name was "Gomer" - are you kidding me?? No wonder she had such an insatiable need for love and affirmation.

2. Ever read Jamie the Very Worst Missionary's blog? She has a heart wrenching post called "I have a heart for you" about reaching out to a prostitute.

LOLITA said...

Amen, Jen, Amen!

I have been there too and He met me along a road leading to destruction.

He has made me whole.

Others too, anybody, just let Him into your heart.... and He will dwell in you, to save, to counsel and to guide.

Thanks you, Jen.

Wise Hearted said... this dwelling place for a long time has been in Isaiah 30:18 Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you. And therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the Lord is a God of justice; How blessed are all those who long for Him...

Well written...Blessings

Diane Ronzino said...

Jennifer, this is a beautiful post. I love your writing.

I got a kick out of what cabinart said, " wonder she had such an insatiable need for love and affirmation."

Jennifer Dougan said...

Hello Jana/Cabinart,

Poor Gomer... :) Whatever her name, yes, I imagine she had an emotional wound that drove her in a search for love and affirmation. I love that nothing shocks our God.

Yes, I like Jamie's stuff. I'll have to make sure I've read that.


Jennifer Dougan said...


"I have been there too" -- I like that line. Yes, we all have, in some way or another, huh? All too easily we can run after ways of feeling significant. I am thankful for a loving, patient Creator. He can make us whole -- amen. :)


Jennifer Dougan said...

Betty, nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by. Oh yes, I love that Isaiah passage too. How wonderful to think of God longing to do anything, huh? He waits to have compassion on us... wow.

Thank you. Have a great week.


Jennifer Dougan said...


Thank you for your encouraging words. I am glad that you found my site and stopped by.

Cabinart is funny, isn't she? :)

Have a great week!
