Saturday, December 19, 2009

Head Games On and Off the Track

Running is such a mind game. The first mile last night was fun and not bad. (Music does a lot, I've decided!) The second mile yesterday was hard for me, tortuous. My thoughts of "Oh, just stop at the next lap" warred with my determination to keep going. I'm pretty sure my plodding, mournful jogging didn't win any athletic-looking awards then, but I finished it!

What about you? Where do head games get worked into your life? I've been learning about the concept of living by the Spirit's power lately in Bible study. It seems that my initial decision to try to to choose the Spirit's response to a situation instead of my own is the first mind game. That's so hard often. I'm still pondering that though. Thoughts?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Snow Dustings, Queen Nefertiti, and Sushi

A light dusting of snow swirls in each gust of wind outside. The heater has just clicked on inside and I smell warm metal. The house is quiet: my family is either napping or off at Operation Christmas Child or on a playdate. Sweeping the last crumbs off my lips, my chocolate chip cookie just disappeared way too quickly!

It's been a busy few weeks. My parents' house was burglarized and we have been working to find them new renters. In between phone calls to the police and cleaning my parents' home, my normal life clambers on. Homeschooling fragments of Ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti and hieroglyphics merge with osmosis experiments of raw eggs in vinegar and corn syrup. Ninth grade algebra mixes with fifth grade grammar and science to make a fun combination. I love homeschooling!

Daniel is awake now. His tiny seventeen month old frame nestles into mine as he munches a chocolate chip cookie too at the desk with me. Feeling more awake each bite, his conversation grows and he starts to smile and exclaim, "da dee, chooo, eh ha! BOOM!! TOOOH" and more unrecognizable, very serious chattering.

Here are some photos of what we've been enjoying eating lately: