Thursday, April 19, 2012

There's a Happy Gamer Somewhere

“Mom, can I stay up a little bit later to read my Bible?” 

What a rascally thing to ask! What mother can say no to that? 

It was past her bedtime, but she was emotional and distraught from a mini-fiasco in her computer game, losing all her rare items in one accidental trade. Frantic phone flurries and digital requests for the items back were to no avail. Red-cheeked and adrenaline-surging, she relayed the story to me, and I commiserated with her. We hugged and I prayed with her for bed. 

“Can I read your Bible, Mom? Mine is in the bedroom with Daniel and I don’t want to wake him up.” 

Morgan grabbed my burgundy-covered Bible and disappeared into my room. Ten minutes later she bounced back into the living room. 

Mom! I have so much joy! Isn’t it cool how the Bible does that? She went on to talk about some verses in Psalm that grabbed her attention and her heart. Dancing from one foot to the next, she gushed, “Thanks, Mom,” as we hugged.

“Weren’t our hearts just burning within us while he talked?” the pedestrians on the road to Emmaus asked each other in the ancient Roman Empire. My husband is practicing his sermon for this Sunday’s Graduation Youth Sunday, so we have been reading and re-reading this text. I have often wished to have been part of that seven mile jaunt out of Jerusalem that day, wanting to hear that fabulous conversation where the newly-resurrected Jesus talked for hours, revealing panoramic truths about himself from throughout the Old Testament. Wow, to have the Godhead walk with me and make his scripture come alive! “Weren’t our hearts just burning within us while he talked?” they exclaimed. 

My husband and I were reminded this week that we DO have the Godhead walking beside us and making his scripture come alive in us through the Holy Spirit. That’s part of the Holy Spirit's job description.

Sorry for the quiet couple of days here at Jottings from Jennifer. We have been busy with the dance of offer and counter-offers on our house, and all the accompanying paperwork. While I am definitely excited, I am also feeling fear, worry, and emotionally weary.

So, pardon me as I pick up my Bible and take a walk with the Godhead.

What about you? What have you been experiencing or thinking about this week? What do you do when you feel emotionally weary?


Cheryl Barker said...

Jennifer, you're so right -- there's nothing better than the Word of God when we're feeling emotionally weary. It refreshes like nothing else. So neat to hear how your girl is discovering that!

p.s. I've got to admit that sometimes a sweet treat helps just a little, too :)

Brandee Shafer said...

So pleased to meet you, Jennifer, through IP. So exciting to consider the work of the Holy Spirit as outlined in scripture.

Jennifer Dougan said...


Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I love seeing my kids grasp God truths. And yes, a sweet treat like chocolate or dried mangoes is always good too. :)


Jennifer Dougan said...


Nice to talk with you again. We've run into each other months ago. Yes, studying the Holy Spirit's work is exciting. I am just starting a new Bible study book called "The Forgotten God" on the HS by Francis Chan. I haven't read it yet. Do you know it?


Mommy Emily said...

oh, i hope, i hope, my sons love the Bible as much as your daughter is. this is so inspiring jennifer. may God give you rest and peace in the days ahead. e. xo

Brian Miller said...

i love that moment with your little wanting to read and being touched...i def want the same for my boys....

Unknown said...

I firmly believe that Real Estate is a walk through fire. It's so STRESSFUL! The only ONLY way to be sane through it is to trust God and know that He's in control...and how else to do that but to pray and listen to His Words? you are so wise to do so, and you're teaching your daughter to find her hope in him too. This is challenging and inspiring. Good luck with the housing market!!!

Dolly said...

Wow! It must have made your mom-heart so happy that your girl turned to God and His Word...what a blessing! Praying that God would give you His peace as you move (?) if I read your post correctly...I agree that it must have been a fabulous 7 mile walk/talk :) Blessings :)

a joyful noise said...

Found you today at Hallelujah Link up, Heart Prints of God.
At age 12, I made a decision to always read my Bible daily unless it was impossible. I can relate to your daughter needing to read for a few minutes before going to bed. Yes, she is on a walk with the Lord as we all are.

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Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Amazing and true how the bible can do that, a great lesson for your daughter too. Hope all goes well with your house sale.
I've always called my blog Pieces of Contentment because Sunshine identities were already taken. Gets a little confusing sometimes, I'll answer to either...

Glenda Parker Fiction Writer said...

What an awesome post. I love it when kids hear from God. What a blessing it is to hear from the living God. God Bless you and your family.I'm praying for wisdom and guidance for the whole house thing. Love you guys.

Glenda Parker

Mary Krueger said...

Wonderful post. Praying for you!

Unknown said...

Oh how I need that time alone with Him in the Word. I crave it! Such a sweet story!

Lisa Boyle said...

What a beautiful post, Jennifer! I pray that my children will love the Bible as much as your daughter! How wonderful! God is so good! :-) Have a blessed weekend!

Stacy @ Heartprints of God said...

How beautiful that your daughter has already discovered the peace and joy that comes from spending time in God's Word. How your heart must rejoice!

Thank you for linking up at "Heartprint Hallelujahs" and sharing this precious reminder to run to God...


elaine @ peace for the journey said...

I run to the Word... and I stay there until, like your daughter, I find my peace, Jesus Christ.

Beautifully said. So grateful for the Holy Spirit who walks with me by living in me.


Jennifer Dougan said...


"Rest and peace in the days ahead" , yes, please. Thank you. May your boys and my kids continue to love God's word too!


Jennifer Dougan said...


Thank you for stopping by. I appreciated your post at Imperfect Prose.

Yes, may our kids and us hunger for God's word.


Jennifer Dougan said...

Ostriches Look Funny,

Thank you. "A walk through fire" seems to be a fitting description some days. Thanks for the wells wishes and encouragement.


Jennifer Dougan said...


Thank you. Have a wonderful weekend!


Jennifer Dougan said...

A Joyful Noise,

Being committed to reading God's word each day is a wonderful standard! Thanks for sharing that.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Jennifer Dougan said...

Pieces of Sunshine and Glenda,

Thank you for stopping by and for your words. have a wonderful week.


Jennifer Dougan said...


I agree. That time with God is so special. "Craving it" is a good term. Thanks.


Jennifer Dougan said...

Lisa and Stacy,

Thank you. Thanks for stopping by this week.


Jennifer Dougan said...


Running to him and his word for peace... yes! Thank you. have a good week.


Dontmissyoursunsetlady said...

What an amazing testament to Christ Centered parenting!

Jennifer Dougan said...


Thank you. I am thankful for those beautiful glimpses into their great choices, and saddened by seeing my bad choices reflected back out too some days. So humbling and it keeps me honest and thankful before my God.

How are you?! How are you feeling this week? How has your busy life been?

Jennifer Dougan