Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Recovered Diamond

Upswept blonde hair twirled into a loose French bun revealed classic pearl earrings and the back view of her face. A grandson bounced on her lap as she sang “Holy is the Lord God Almighty,” pausing to wipe tears from her cheeks in the chorus. 

Minutes earlier, after the first rousing song and when the whole church congregation stood to shake hands and talk, she leaned back, taking my hand and drawing me close to talk. 

“Toby* said he accepted Christ this Friday!” came her soft voice. More details came, confirming those words, and tears came to my eyes for this new teen male that I had been praying for and just getting to know this year. 

His baleful eyes had grabbed my attention as soon as we met their family. He reminded me of so many in my life that I care for and pray hard for. My husband and I talked with him whenever we could, hoping to coax smiles and comfortableness in him.  Toby was polite but hated being there. We prayed hard, and sincerely enjoyed talking with him whenever we could. He thrilled and shocked us when he started coming to youth group on Wednesday nights. 

Now this morning, his mom leaned close, silver blonde hair swept up, and my tears swept out.  “Wow, thank you, God!” I didn’t know why I was crying, since I had only known Toby for a short time, but we had been praying earnestly for him. 

In the Bible, there is the familiar story of the young woman who lost one of her ten silver coins. I was reminded recently that those coins were part of her headdress, announcing that she was married. The coins were costly and significant, similar to our wedding rings and diamonds. 

When the woman discovered it missing, she ransacked her house, trying to recover her missing wedding coin. The coin was irreplaceable and invaluable, so she didn’t give up until it was safe and found.

 It took time. It weighed on her heart and mind. She never gave up.

This weekend, a diamond has been recovered, and its value is huge! 

Do you have someone you are praying for? I would be honored to pray with you for them. Feel free to simply mention them by one letter. (For example, J or S.) I have many loved ones and dear friends that I pray for too, in a humble, respectful way. May I pray with you for them or for something this week?

*Toby is not his real name. Photo credits to Microsoft clip art too.


tandemingtroll said...

Two BK's, father and son, atheist & agnostic, married to two Christian women, L & K

That is awesome about Tobey*

Michelle @ Changed By The Maker said...

That's wonderful. It reminds me of when I became a Christian, and, after having lost touch previously with a Christian friend from high school, I called her to reconnect and tell her my news. She was so delighted and said she had been praying for me! I could tell she was floored.

You could pray for a family member trying to work some stuff out, A.

Thanks for linking your post, Jen.

cabinart said...

Jennifer, first, thank you for explaining about the lost coin. I never could figure out why the woman was all atwitter about a coin!

Second, please pray for L. She is 77, has sketchy health and thinks God is just fine but Jesus is too exclusive. SAY WHAT?? I love her dearly and pray over and over that God will woo her with his all encompassing grace, mercy and love.

Jennifer Dougan said...


Praying for your BKs and their Jesus-follower wives, L & K this morning. May their hunger for truth lead them There. Praying hard over my chai tea this morning,

Jennifer Dougan said...


How thrilling for your old high school friend! The joy and awe of seeing God at work in people's hearts, and an answer to prayer after years...

Praying for your family member A right now and throughout this week as they try to work things out. May they have discernment, direction, peace, conviction and courage, and unity. May they most of all feel surrounded in Abba's deep deep love for them.

Praying hard over my chai tea this morning,

Jennifer Dougan said...


Yes, doesn't that coin explanation add so much more meaning? I agree! I was reminded about that just recently, and I had to write it down so I would remember. :)

Praying with you for L this morning. May God's words whisper to her the joyful truth of Jesus' wooing of her. May she seek Creator God wholeheartedly, and know how loved she is by him. May you have wonderful times with her during these times of sketchy health, and may she be drawn to Jesus in you.

Praying hard over my chai tea this morning,