Friday, April 27, 2012

Seven Steps to Easier Home Stagings and Showings

The phone rang and our eyes leaped to read the caller Id. If it was our Real Estate company, our feelings were mixed. While we were excited to have showing requests, keeping an immaculate house through daily meals, laundry, and homeschooling was wearying, especially with a preschooler. 

After countless showings though, our family of five has discovered several steps that make showings smoother.

Seven Steps to Easier Home Stagings and Showings with a Family
  1. Turn on the bread machine. Drop in 3 cups flour, 1.5 tsp salt, 2 TB olive oil, 8-9 ounces of hot tap water, 2 tsp sugar and 2 tsp yeast. Select the rapid setting on any standard bread machine and in 1.5 hours, the aroma of hot bread will fill each room with an unconscious sentiment of home. 
  2. Fling open the windows and the deck. No matter how cold it is outside, opening  windows will freshen up your home immensely, even if just for fifteen minutes. 
  3. Delegate duties to each member of the family. When showing requests call in, everyone leaps into action. Each of my teens know which rooms and jobs they have, in addition to roles we all share.
  4. Have familiar stash places for the papers, statements, and bills that haven’t been paid yet. Under pillows or in clothing drawers is helpful.
  5. Buy window cleaning liquid in bulk. It is fabulous for mirrors, ovens, fridges, decks, windows, bathroom tiles, faucets, sinks, glass desks, microwaves windows and more. Nothing makes a clean bathroom wall sparkle faster. (Assuming you have already done the hard work of bleaching and scrubbing earlier, of course.)
  6. Make decorating easy. Keep cut wild flowers or cattails and branches on hand in vases for ready displays in your bathroom and kitchen. Save the special rugs and hand towels that you will use for the showings folded and off to the side, ready for instant deploy. Free yourself from last minute searches for a clean, non-frayed, flawless towel by having it reserved on the side.
  7. Scoop up and carry with you any random items that you haven’t had a chance to put away yet. One friend shared her great idea to bring unfolded or dirty baskets of laundry with you in the car when you leave.We have done that often.
Rejoice with us that our house seems to be sold! The final inspection, appraisal, and last minute papers are completed and signed, awaiting our June closing. Now, we look for our next home… You may join us in praying for that adventure too, if you'd like. Thanks. 

How are YOU this week? How can I pray for you today? Do you have any fabulous home staging/showing advice to pass on?


Houseofmills said...

YEAH!!!! Excited for you guys.

tandemingtroll said...

Good job! I wish I had these suggestions when we were selling! But God was in it anyway.

My prayer request is that I would be continually seeking God to help me in the area(s) to which He has called and show me if there are any areas where I have not been called. Lately, I have been tired.

AmyAlves said...

Hey Jennifer, I just have to tell you that I was smiling throughout this post because my hubby and I have owned and sold a few houses in our day... 5 to be exact! I know, we used to be a little crazy. ;) I have practiced some of these tips too! ~ Blessings sister, Amy

Cheryl Barker said...

That's wonderful that you have a buyer for your home. My parents are trying to sell theirs right now (they're at an age where they're needing to downsize). Would appreciate your prayers for them -- that their house would sell at just the right time when the perfect new place for them will open up. All the best in finding a new home, Jennifer!

tandemingtroll said...

Another prayer request: someone I know is getting a divorce due to an abusive husband. It is someone who lives on the other side of the country--literally. A mom I know who has a pre-schooler and toddler has cancer throughout her body and is dealing with the question of why God would do this.

Jennifer Dougan said...

Thank you, Liz! We are excited too.


Jennifer Dougan said...


I am praying for you this morning (as well as earlier this week too) that you would feel God leading you and showing you the places he wants you to serve. May you feel his strength, his renewing, and his peace about if/where you need to step back. May his Spirit refresh you!

I am praying also for your friend with the abusive husband. I pray for safe, wise people to surround her. Is she the one with cancer or does her toddler have cancer? Oh, either way, may her agonizing questions drive her into the chest of God, where she can ask, and beat her hands, and sob into him. I have wrestled with those questions too... and while I don't have full answers yet, I know his heart is good, and he is big.

Praying with you for her this morning, Tandemingtroll.


Jennifer Dougan said...


Wow, five houses! You are old hands at this. I should have gotten tips from you. :) You should do a post on your top five home showing tips inspired by my post. I would love to read them and learn. :)

Have a great week.


Jennifer Dougan said...


Oh, I understand what your parents are going through. Yes, Jesus, would you help Cheryl's parents' home sell smoothly at the perfect time when a new smaller place for them is open? May it go smoothly, without any major complications. Thank you, God.


tandemingtroll said...

Hi Jennifer! Here are some updates on my prayer requests. I have felt God calling me to step down from one outside activity so that my schedule next year will go from "crazy" to "busy."

The mother with cancer that I asked you to pray for is close to dying. I don't think she knows Christ yet and a friend is going to visit her this week. Our church is asking people to donate money to help pay for the funeral. Please pray for my friend to have words that can show this family the comfort and hope of God, and for salvation for this woman and her family.