Sunday, September 18, 2011

Romance in the Moment to Moment --Plus Free Information & Free Giveaway!

The first aisle or two had hors d'ouevres-- small, savory, bites of all types. Next we ambled through the aisles with main dish samples. Stroganoff, pizzas and sandwiches. With a few more aisles to go, we were thrilled to discover that for this store's anniversary extravangaza, there were even dessert samples!

A college professor passed the word to my then-boyfriend husband in that youth ministry class years ago. "Bring your special girl to this free date on Saturday!"  Scrimping pennies to pay for an expensive private college, this announcement sent most guys racing out the door in excitement to secure a date for that Saturday. Mark and I were no exception, walking the mile or so to the store that sunny day for a free grocery store sample date.

He and I grin at that memory now too. While our budget has grown since that day, we recognize that romance can easily be found on a shoe string. We can rekindle the romance through small choices each day:
        -sitting close to each other at church, or on the couch
        -stealing kisses in the kitchen during meal prep
        -sending small gazes at each other across a public room
        -sincerely stating and remembering things we like about each other
        -spending date times together, even just at a coffee shop for an hour

I came across these two fun websites with ideas for easy cheap dates. Thanks to Rod Froseth's "21 First-Rate Cheap Date Ideas" and Dallen and Katie's "Ideas for a Cheap" for their info. Check out their sites.

What about you? What cheap dates have you found? 

In fact, as a thank you gift for your  ideas, I'll enter your name in a hat to buy you a small gift card to start off your date night. Here's how to win
1.) Post your answer in the comments below to get your name in the hat.
2.) Optional: Answer this question on your blog also with a link to my blog there for another chance to win.
3.) Optional: After commenting with your answer here, click Share to Facebook to post this site with your good idea on your facebook wall too.

Three ways to earn your name in the hat for the gift card. Let me know what you do in the comments section below so I can get your name listed as many times as possible. I'll post the winner on Thursday.


Marlene said...

When the kids were younger I planned "bedroom dates." Dad would feed and put the kids to bed a little early. I would prepare a special meal. (The most important criteria was to have food the kids didn't like.) We would have our meal on a tablecloth covered small table with two chairs in our bedroom. After the meal we would watch a "grown-up" movie. We love historical movies. It was a bonus movie if it was a war movie with a romantic storyline. As the kids got older and could take care of themselves, for the most part, we would get them a movie and pizza and we would still have our bedroom date.

Jennifer Dougan said...

Marlene, what a fun idea and so easy to implement. Thanks.


Unknown said...

Some of our favorites...
Walking around Lake Calhoun
Getting a pass for a museum
Camping in the backyard
Looking through childhood pictures after the kids are in bed
Cooking something unusual together when the kids are in bed

My best advice is to find another family to date swap with! It makes the night a whole lot cheaper when you don't have to pay a sitter!

Jennifer Dougan said...

Great ideas, Britni! I love Lake Harriet too, and the idea of swapping babysitting with other families too. We've done that over the years. Thanks.


Jennifer said...

We find ourselves loving relaxing dates "in"! I'll make a special dinner sometimes; maybe we'll get a Redbox movie or pull out a board game or walk down by the river. We also have fun driving into the cities and looking at the amazing houses on Summit Ave or around Lake of the Isles.

Jennifer Dougan said...

Hi Jennifer K,

-Thanks for stopping by. Movie nights in, and board games together sound fun too. My husband loves games of all types!

Jennifer Dougan