Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Peek into a Last Summery Weekend

My brother flew in from out of state this last week and stayed with our family for five days. With my parents and sister, we were the "Original Five" again, sharing laughter, conversation, endless games of Rook, bike rides, picnics, and boccee ball with our extended families. One day, we drove up to a rural country church that used to be home, spying decrepit decaying tree forts, remembering romps in the graveyard, and wondering about a buried time capsule.

Sandwiched in that weekend, I sneaked away for an overnight annual camping trip with two close friends of mine. A thirteen or fourteen year tradition, we escape to a nearby cliff and winding river campground, cook tinfoil packets of food in glowing embers, and talk late into the night around a smoky fire in the crisp autumn air. Deep talks and silent shaking laughter under the full moon.

Now, my brother is gone, the vacation is over, and I catch up on family and home. Laundry whirs downstairs, the dishwasher runs, kids take a break from school by climbing high in a windy tree outside, and the toddler sleeps.

What about you? What did you do this last week and weekend?


Nora Nichole said...

I love to hear your writings Jen, I really should make time to read more of them! I am so excited for you, sounds like you had an amazing weekend! Wish i could have one like that!

Jennifer Dougan said...


How fun to be found by you on here. I look forward to our skype date. Did you get my message?

NotaSupermom said...

I'm sad summer is over, although I won't miss the high temperatures.

Fall is really the nicest time here.

I can go for a walk and not sweat to death.

It's nice to meet you--I'm your newest follower.