Friday, September 16, 2011

Potty Trips and Persistance

He reached down and with one flash flip of his hand, he sprinkled me and the wall behind me with wet droplets. Euuuh! It was my fault. Trying to be efficient, I had left an old pull up in the potty chair, to act as a sponge for fast clean up.  My preschooler, surprised by an unexpected item in his chair, whipped it out, accidentally showering me with the unthinkable. Euuh.

Who else is potty-training right now? What tricks have you used to get your toddler to race to the toilet? We've used rewards of m&ms, stickers on a wall, cheerios to aim at, and lots of praise. It's coming, and we have more and more successes! With my older children being 16 and 12 years old, I notice that I am mellower in my parenting. Life is short, and potty training will come! Consistency is key.

Wow, consistency is key in so many areas of life, isn't it? For this potty-training season I'm in with my brown haired toddler; for this new discipline of naming and counting God's gifts in my life; for striving with God's help to be my husband's biggest fan; for carving out time to be in God's word, listening, journaling, reflecting; for trying to be consistent in homeschooling, writing, and giving of myself in ministry.

I don't know about you, but I seem to have a hard time being consistent with everything at once. If I can keep the above things consistent then I'm often dropping a ball somewhere else. Right now, I am failing at being consistent with exercise. I want to add that to my juggling. Feel free to ask me about that to keep me accountable.

I'm enjoying Isaiah 50:4-5 right now, as I strive for consistency morning by morning with my Maker. I love that God doesn't change, doesn't wrestle at being consistent. He is unchanging, faithful, true, the same yesterday, today and forever.

What about you? What are you juggling? What helps you be consistent?

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