Friday, December 14, 2012

Rekindling Romance a Moment at a Time

“Do you like amaretto?” he asks. 

Grocery bags flank his feet. “I wanted to get you something different. Plain coffee seemed boring and not like a gift.” He hands me a bag of whole coffee beans, knowing I like to grind them fresh for each brew.

We are learning new ways to speak love, my man and I.

“I can chop your ginger too,” I offer. Our eyes brim slightly from sliced yellow onions, and the fragrance of fresh garlic fills the kitchen deliciously. He cooks behind me, prepping ingredients for the Mediterranean couscous that makes us salivate already.

We are learning new ways to speak love, my man and I.

Entwined on the battered sectional, against a chocolate wall, we read together. I aloud, him following over my shoulder too, as we follow The Life of Pi and laugh at stories of Richard Parker and flashing rainbow dorado fish.

 Twenty years of knowing each other is never enough, and romance blooms further with intentionality. We pause more, linger longer, kiss more, text often, thankful for our years together.

We are learning new ways to speak love, my man and I. 

I love hearing from you. Tell me about the one you love. What are ways you two are intentional about romance?

Linking with Imperfect Prose.


Brandee Shafer said...

Thank you, Jennifer, for inspiring me. We have 4 children, 3 of whom are 3 and under. Romance is a challenge.

Brian Miller said...

truth..romance does bloom with intentionality....and its ever a learning that continues throughout the years...its a shame so many once they are married forget the things we did to woo our loves in the first place...

Mommy Emily said...

well, this brought tears to my eyes. thank you for this beautiful display of romance. i agree with brandee. romance is a challenge, with such young kids. but it's not impossible.

AmyAlves said...

20 years of knowing each other, WOW! Appreciating life on a daily basis brings along with it love... thank you from Maine this morning sweet Jennifer! ~ Blessings, Amy

Jennifer Dougan said...


Oh, those under three years are especially tricky some days. May you and your man have great times of snuggling and laughter in the hours they sleep.

Smiling, remembering, praying for strong passionate marriages for us,

Jennifer Dougan said...


That wooing and intentionality is so easy to forget to do sometimes, to our discredit and detriment. I am thankful for my man and for intentionality. Blessings to you and your family too!

Thanks for stopping by,

Jennifer Dougan said...


Yes, a challenge, but oh so worth it! Enjoy your man, and thanks for stopping by.


Jennifer Dougan said...


Thanks for stopping in, friend. :)
