Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Mother's Day Body Scrub

Okay, I admit. This is an older picture, but it looked a lot like this today.
Strolling down suburban side streets my daughter and I explored and dreamed. Clambering to the top of a patriotically red and blue jungle gym we leaned against the breeze and sucked in the warm summer air. Passing boxy little World War II bungalows, she grabbed my hand, and we swung our hands as we walked. "Ahh, I can't wait until Monday to see if they accept our offer on the house," she said.

An afternoon nap, some grilling in the sun, and children's blanket forts swarmed the deck. Tonight after a family supper, some speed Scrabble at the table, and a chilly twilight bike ride through shadowy wooded trails, the house is quiet. Two kids sleep, one teen emails, and my husband and I relax in the lamp-lit living room.

Inspired by a portion of Ann's post that linked to a DIY bath scrub, I researched several recipes and decided to mix up a large batch for mother's day gifts.

With only three ingredients, my final recipe was easy, healthy for your skin, and fragrant. Here is my recipe:

Mother's Day Brown Sugar and Olive Oil Body Scrub

-cold pressed olive oil, extra virgin, about four ounces.
-raw cane sugar, 24 ounces
-essential oils  (I used tangerine scent for a light, fresh fragrance, and shook in about 25 drops.)

Found at any co-op or fresh foods store, mix in large glass bowl about four ounces of olive oil, 24 ounces of raw cane sugar, and about 25-30 drops of essential oils. Store in air-tight containers and decorate as gifts.

Directions for use: Wet hands, feet, body. Massage sugar scrub into skin to exfoliate, smooth, and moisturize skin. Rinse with water and pat dry. Skin will feel silky smooth. Enjoy!

I am so thankful for the moms in my life. What is one thing you are thankful for from a mom-figure in your life?


cabinart said...

There is a woman friend of mine who is my mom's age. She is the happiest, wisest person I know, and can find fun in any activity. Wow, I'm so thankful for Louise and her fantastic example of how to be grateful and enjoy life to the fullest!

tandemingtroll said...

I have always live a minimum of 700 miles from either my mom or my mother-in-law and step-mother-in-law. They are all completely wonderful, supportive and loving. The bless my life when we talk on the phone and when we get a chance for face time.

When my kids were small, I attended a women's Bible study at my church that had so many great mothers who had raised their kids and could empathize, pray and guide me on how to help myself and my kids through those difficult years when I had so many kids requiring my help. I consider them all my surrogate moms and miss them so much as I now live 1800 miles away from them, too.

Jennifer Dougan said...


Louise's example of gratitude and living life to the fullest sounds very wise and happy indeed! Lord, teach me that too...


Jennifer Dougan said...


The blend of biological moms and friendship/locational moms is a wonderful thing. With my mom overseas for much of my adult life, I understand that well. I am thankful for all of those women in your life. :)

Thanks for the prayer updates too...

LOLITA said...

Thank you, Jen, for the mixture. Now I can make my own scrub for exfoliation and make some for gifts.

This is late but anyway, I am finding gems here, by retracing back posts.

Jennifer Dougan said...


Yes, this scrub is so much fun and so easy. I think I need to make another batch soon actually since I gave so much of mine away. It works wonderfully.

I'm glad you are browsing away at my site. Some of my favorite posts here are: Shiny Bathroom Tiles; Roses and SitUps; Naked Tress Scrape the Horizon; Bike Date, Dark Moonlit Nights and Doxology; You Had me at Avocados; and more.

Have fun. May God use them for His glory.

Have a great week,