Sunday, May 27, 2012

Guest-posting over at "Chasing Silhouettes"

I'm guest-posting over at my online friend and writer Emily Wirenga's Chasing Silhouettes website today, a "place of hope and healing for families and caregivers on the eating disorder journey." Join us there to mull over "How to Be Beautiful" and feel free to leave an encouraging comment. 

If you are visiting here after my post from Chasing Silhouettes, welcome. I am so glad you are here.
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Recently, I was getting ready to attend a Friday night wedding several hours' drive away. I chose an outfit, combed my hair, and laughed about the incongruity of applying evening make up at 1:30 in the afternoon. (Men, you'll just have to take our word on this.) Realizing my necklace looked tarnished, I remembered a home tip I had heard of applying toothpaste to tarnished metal for a fast shine. 

Minutes later, with goopy blue Colgate gel congealing into the crevices of my necklace, I realized with horror that the home remedy probably meant white tooth paste. Laughing at myself, I submerged the necklace into the sink and tried to wash away the blue. "Look for me at the wedding," I chuckled to myself. "I'll be the one with smoldering brown eyes and a neck that smells of toothpaste!"

Later that night, smelling minty fresh, I watched from a pew as the bride and groom stood before us all and made promises. Their eyes stared deeply into each other's eyes, obviously having faded away from all other sounds and sights, save the words and the promise and the looks that asked, "Really? Just me? You mean this?" 

I sat enraptured by the glimpse into their minds and hearts. There is a... (read the rest of the story "Smoldering Brown Eyes and a Neck that Smells Like Toothpaste"  here). 


LOLITA said...

I also know about the toothpaste. I think it is universal.

Thank you for directing us over at Chasing Silhouettes.

Nice post over there.

Jennifer Dougan said...

Hello Lolita,

Was that a family photo I saw you in over at Chasing Silhouettes? Very nice. :)


AmyAlves said...

I'm coming over sister.... ~ Blessings, Amy

Jennifer Dougan said...

Thank you, Amy.

Have a great week.


LOLITA said...

Yes, some blogs displays my picture with google, then others with the one I use in commenting with Wordpress.

It is a picture of myself and my husband holding two of our grand kids. It is an older photo like the one I use in google.

I am now a golden decade citizen, close to the age of retirement. Ha ha ha.