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Photo: Ed Yourdon, Creative Commons, cc license |
She told me again. "My friend Art, he just commented on how peaceful it was to be around older people who had walked with God for a long time. 'There is a peace about them, a gentleness that just shines out from them. You want to be near them,' he told me. He enjoys spending time with my parents," my mom said, wiping her mouth.
She smiled, and lifted a fork with green olives and grated carrots from the salad into her mouth. I tried, and failed, to get crumbled goat cheese onto my fork.
Her bite finished, my mom spoke again. "He's right. I watch my mom and dad together. He holds her hand, helping her down hallways now, and patiently explains each time she forgets and asks a question again. There IS a peace and gentle kindness about them." She paused and chose another bite, pushing food around her plate unconsciously.
I watched her. This black-haired, blue-eyed Irish mom of mine who just returned from seeing her parents on the west coast, arriving straight from the airport to the hospital here where her husband awaited scary prognoses. And I saw it in her.
Mixed in with the uncertainty and the risk of painful loss was a peace that came from years of walking with her Creator. This peace didn't negate the valid fears, but it simmered and rode the waves, a constant in all change.
In hospital room 4550, four shuttered windows revealed city lights turning on outside and reflecting off the rain. We rubbed our hands with the sanitizing foam found everywhere, and walked inside. My dad sat upright in bed, his navy-striped gown tied in the back, revealing the colorful tattoo on his shoulder.
"Hello, handsome man!" grinned my mom, rubbing his shoulder and bending over to brush back silvery hair from his forehead.
She sat down and pulled out her slim blue Bible, creased on the edges. Opening it, she read silently, smiling at parts. My dad and I had read from Luke together earlier. "I love the gospels," he told me. "They are my favorite parts of the Bible right now."
There is a Peace that flows from men and women who have walked with God for a long time. I see it, and it draws me nearer. He draws me nearer too, actually, this One whose name is peace.
So, it's pancreatic cancer, friends. It was caught early and is only stage one, but it's scary. Sometime in the next few days, my dad will undergo a serious surgery for this and I'll join them often in the hospital. Join us in prayer, will you, please? Thank you, friends.
Be glad to include your dad in my prayers Jennifer. i will also say a prayer for you and your mom. :)
We have been shocked to receive the news today, written by your Dad himself. We feel your pain and commit our dear friend and all the family in His loving hands. Remind him what people say in church in IC, one would ask: Qui gagne? and the assembly would answer loudly: Jésus gagne! Much love, Helene & Rodney
We have been shocked to receive the news today, written by your Dad himself. We feel your pain and commit our dear friend and all the family in His loving hands. Remind him what people say in church in IC, one would ask: Qui gagne? and the assembly would answer loudly: Jésus gagne! Much love, Helene & Rodney
I will definitely pray with you! My Mom had the same cancer, so this brings tears to my eyes. It connects me to you...it makes me hurt with you. What a beautiful post! Your parents sound like a couple who have truly beautiful hearts...you are blessed! I pray you all feel Gods presence as you go through this together.
Will be praying for you and your family as you go through this difficult time. May that peace that surpassed all understanding bring you great comfort today and in the weeks/months to come. Glad they caught it early!
you and your family are in my prayers. Cancer can be scary, but God is BIGGER!
I'm here if you need to chat. Gone through those days with my dad and father in law.
Praise God that it was caught early and is only stage 1, though it's still scary when it's your daddy.
Here for you girl!
So sorry to hear this, Jennifer, and I will certainly pray for your dad and your family. Your parents and grandparents sound like amazing people. What a wonderful heritage you have. I know this is a real scary time for you all. May God keep you wrapped in His arms of love and peace.
Thanks, Bill.
Jennifer Dougan
Thank you. Thankful que Dieu et grand et puissant et toujours toujours bons, n'importe qu'arrive. Merci pour les prieres.
Jennifer Dougan
Thank you. Oh, I'm so sorry that your mom had pancreatic cancer too. I'm learning that it is a silent killer.
Thank you. Yes, my parents are neat people whom I admire and hope to be like someday. They show me Jesus. :)
Thank you for this warmth and connection. Sad with you as you miss your mom though...
Jennifer Dougan
Yes, we are thankful for the early discovery and for his peace too. Thanks for praying.
Jennifer Dougan
Thank you. I am so sorry that you have walked this road already with your dad and father-in-law.
Thanks for the prayers.
Jennifer Dougan
You would enjoy talking with them too, I can tell. :) Thank you for stopping in, for your warmth, and for your prayers.
Jennifer Dougan
What a blessing to be able to see that peace that only Jesus can give during a time when many people don't have peace! It reminds me that peace isn't just a time when there is no war, peace is something that must reside in the heart no matter what the outward circumstances are. Thanks for sharing this story!
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