Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sneaking Away with Him

 My moments with him look different each time, it seems.

Sometimes we sneak away, balancing books and journals across a wobbly coffee-shop table. In summer, I'm sipping a cold iced coffee or a bubbly tea, but usually it's just a hot black dark roast coffee, with a tiny room for cream. I slide hair behind my ear pensively, and pull his words close. With Bible and journal wide, I listen, read, and scrawl back in response. He speaks gentle reminders or dictates in full-on learning mode.

Other days, I clear away last night's plates and dewy breakfast milk cups from the table, move kindergarten apple slice Art to the edge, and rinse clean the old cherry-wood table. As the wood dries, I light a nearby candle and turn on soft music, pulling my Bible and journal close. We meet again there, as teens grab snacks behind me and my youngest plays lego battles nearby.

Yesterday, in weary movements, I plopped bowls and pots into frothing steaming water, and mentally scanned my cupboards and fridge for supper ideas. The first week back to school had been fun, exhilarating and exhausting.

"Pray for me to have energy and strength this afternoon, will you?" I typed to a friend who had asked how to pray.

I knew what I needed, knew who I needed to see, but time seemed cramped and short. In an hour and a half, I needed to wash dishes, put supper on the table, and have the family ready to leave for youth group, all without killing anyone. I was uptight, picking fights, complaintful, and embarrassed by my behavior.

Knowing the solution, I stopped, apologized to my family, and asked God for help. Finding an online audio Bible, I plugged in the ipad near the kitchen sink, clicked play and resumed dishes. Words of hope, truth, and perseverance flowed from the ancient Persian story of Nehemiah. Hot water rose high on my wrists as I swabbed and splashed, and this time in God's word spoke healing to my soul.

What about you? What helps you spend time in God's word? What are fun ways you like to do that? I know a friend who likes to run while listening to the Bible on mp3.

On a tiny yellow post-it note that marks my page in the Bible, I have written out excerpts from Psalm 119 ...teach me your decrees. ... I will not neglect your word...Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law (vs. 12, 16, 18). This is my prayer-- for me, and for you today, friend.

Linking with Emily at Imperfect Prose.


E Adams Wright said...

Jennifer, I love the practice of reading my Bible with my journal, noting what resonates in my spirit. Your post is encouraging. Thanks. Stopping by from Imperfect Prose.

Amy Breitmann said...

Jennifer this is so beautifully written...journal open wide.. I, like you, steal moments. Aren't they all sacred? Even the messy ones? Thank you for sharing this...found you on the link up with Emily. ~ Amy

Dolly@Soulstops said...

I love how you started the piece as I thought you were going to get away with your hubby, but instead you were finding time with the Lover of your soul, Jesus....I am often at my kitchen table, and when I can drive to a prayer labyrinth, I like to do that also...blessings to you, friend :) keep soaking His words up and His presence :)

Jayne said...

I have started writing scripture onto index cards. On the back side I write how the Lord spoke to me through those words. I'm going to get a small photo album to put them in to keep in my kitchen, the room I spend the most time in. I look through those cards a couple of times a day to remind myself how God has spoken to me and answered prayer. I call it my 3 squares meals.
I have also just started a Bible study called "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" by Joanna Weaver. I want to learn how to worship God while I serve and not just go through the motions of serving.

Floyd said...

I try to do an in depth Bible study every week. It literally saves me. There is no peace within without drawing nigh unto Him. I appreciate your humility and the reminder of it by how you used it with your family.

Karmen M. said...

I need to make the time to get into His word and listen. I like the idea of listening while doing daily chores.