Monday, May 13, 2013

How to Be the Mom They See

Lemon and cherry tulips stood in vases tall when I walked into the kitchen, gifts from my man and my look-alike man-child too. "We biked to the store since you had the car," they breathed heavily, grinning, hair tousled by the gusty wind.

"Can we play a game of Speed Scrabble together?" my socialite son asked, dumping plastic tiles across the scuffed table top.

Four year old Daniel had carefully guarded a smushed cupcake and hand-print flower art-piece since nine am Sunday School. Pushing it into my hand now, he offered it to me.

"But Daniel, this is your special cupcake. Are you sure?"

"Mmhmm," he nodded, "It hurts my feelings, and I don't want it anymore."

The red frosting licked off, a chocolate cupcake peeked through inside the zip-lock bag. He must have meant that he didn't want any more of it. I grinned and thanked him. He smiled, and rocked back and forth proudly.

"Mom, can I serve you?" she asked, my willowy daughter, shiny hair bobbing at her chin and catching the light.

"Wow, thank you. That feels odd," I admitted. "Thank you. What do you have in mind?"

Her handwritten card offered babysitting as we took a nap, and then a hand massage and manicure. Later that afternoon, I followed her out to the back yard where towels marked off a lounging area in the grass. Nail polish, moisturizing coconut oil, and manicure items were arrayed nearby. Shyly, I sank back into terrycloth, closed my eyes, sought out the bird calls amidst the sound of passing cars, and slipped into peace.

"I love you so much, Mom," she stated quietly, grinning self-consciously.

"I love you too, Morgan. I am so thankful to be your mom. I'm so sorry for the times I don't do a nice job at it." We talked more.

Silence fell from a pure blue sky. The wind and robins blew, and passing cars hummed.

"God, make me worthy. Make me how they see me, help me to be the best mom I can be, reflecting you." Prayers dripped from a humble heart, seeking Him. Gratitude counted gift after gift, increasing my eye to see, and learning to name them anew.

To be the mom they see --to be the mom they need-- drives me to prayer, humility, joy, and to my Father's heart. 

Linking with Emily at Imperfect Prose, and Ann at A Holy Experience.


Floyd said...

Awesome Mother's day and heart for God that your children will cherish forever. Good stuff... Memories are treasures...

Jennifer Dougan said...

Hi Floyd, :)

How has your week been?

They are very sweet kids. I am honored and humbled by them.

Thanks for stopping in.

Leanne Mills said...

Happy Mother's Day! Sounds like it was a special day for you. =) I love to see how you cherish life and those around you. And thank you for being so open and sharing your life with all of us...I love how you speaks to my heart.

Debbie Petras said...

What a beautiful post and a beautiful heart! Thank you for visiting Heart Choices and taking the time to leave your sweet comment. Glad you enjoy gardening too.

Blessings and love,

Lisa notes... said...

To be the one they see and they need...great goals to live up to. Even though my daughters are older, I still aspire to those same things. Glad you had such a special day with our precious ones!

Cheryl Barker said...

I think we'll always wish we could be better as moms. So glad our kids love us in spite of the fact that we're not perfect. By the way, love your tulips. They are beautiful!

Dontmissyoursunsetlady said...

Thank you for seeing parenting as a calling rather than a chore blessings to you!

Alecia Simersky said...

For this is my heart's prayers as well. It sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day, you have such thoughtful children..made me smile :)