Thursday, February 28, 2013

Praying in Four-Four Time

A sagging snowman curtsies in the sun as I pass, and a clanging flagpole rope whips in four-four time in the wind. Spring sidles up beside me, slipping in and out of the clouds this week.

Mismatched mitten-hands shoved into red jacket pockets several times this week, as I crunched in Minnesota snow and whispered prayer.

Monday morning, I joined MOPS women from a metro suburb at round tables decorated in Tahitian sand and shells. We nibbled scrumptious white chocolate and berry scones, and murmured in surprise over bacon-topped mini French toast muffins. In laughter and in shared moments of quiet understanding, we spoke of our marriages, and urged each other on in loving our men and being their outspoken fans. Hours later, I shoved mismatched mittened-hands into pockets deep, and walked towards the car. "Thank you, Abba, for great times of getting to know these new women, and for chances to speak of you and the adventures of marriage." Prayer looked like praise and joy puddling out.

Tuesday night, five families unfold from minivans wide, and climb our icy cement steps. Inside, we line up curries, chicken stir fry, and pad Thai in a buffet line, and stomp up the kids from downstairs. Clamoring loud and crowding round, toddlers and teens mingle with moms and dads from small group as we fall quiet and thank God for food. Prayer looked like toddler hands, grinning moms, rice on the floor already, and hungry smacking lips. Then dishes clatter, and we're on the hunt for spoons and cups.

Hands shoved into pockets deep this week, I walked through wet streets again, whispering prayer and lifting up friends of mine. Prayer looked like silent reflection, somber possibilities, and a waiting game.

A sagging snowman curtsies in the sun, and a clanging flagpole rope whips in four-four time. Spring sidles up beside me, slipping in and out of clouds this week, and prayer follows on the wind.

I appreciate you being here with me today, friend, and would be honored to shove hands in pockets deep and pray with you too this week. What's on your mind? (Those in email are welcome to join the discussion by clicking here.) 

Linking with Emily at Imperfect Prose

Photo credit to Microsoft.


Brandee Shafer said...

Sounds like a wonderful week, but I'm excited for you to abandon those mittens. Nothing against mismatched. Spring, oh Spring...where art thou?

Yolanda Ronaldo said...

This picture is gorgeous!

Thanks for visiting my blog :)

Jennifer Dougan said...


Spring slips in and out here in Minnesota, but the warmth is noticeable already. :)

Nice talking with you,

Jennifer Dougan said...

Thanks, Yolanda. I can't take any credit.

Thanks for stopping by.


Brian Miller said...

smiles...i like how you highlight what prayer looks like in prayer def can be creative like that...oh and i can not wait on spring...smiles..i need some sun...and renewal of energy...

Unknown said...

"hands deep in pockets" :) You have a way with words, my bloggy friend! Love to hear how your life is wrapped in prayer. :)

Brenna said...

Coming over from Em's place. I love the different imagery you used. It brought a bit of warmth to my cold morning.

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Jennifer,

Prayer was so visually displayed in your blog. I thank God for your talent in writing and that I finally took the time to begin reading it. I have been blessed by it and look forward to each new blog you write. THANK YOU...

by the way your picture displays "ice pellets" which I just learned there was such a term last Sunday from the beauty that they displayed and feeling how they got their name as the sun warmed the day.

this day as is every a gift....

Pam said...

beautiful illustration of praying without ceasing :)

Alecia Simersky said...

I feel for you in that cold snowy weather, I can only imagine how hungry for spring you must be. I used to attend MOPS when my kids were young, it was one of the best times of my life. I couldn't wait for each meeting to roll around and get adult interaction for a few hours.
Love how this rolled from one scenario to the next, very beautiful.

Wise Hearted said...

Your blog is proff that your prayers are not frozen like the place you live. As always Jennifer it excites me to see how God is using your my sister.