Saturday, September 29, 2012

Of Football and Family

Ocher leaves flit across lawns and scrape streets. Homecoming teens flaunted crimson and black school colors, and students of all sizes bravely decked cheeks with ebony under-eye sun glares. High school parade floats careened down narrow suburban streets to lawn-chaired spectators. Tootsie rolls, suckers and tough gum wads crashed to the ground, causing gentle riots.

On the stove at home, a harvest stew simmered. Out of town relatives were imminent, and our final touches of house cleaning made the home gleam.

This morning, twelve of us maneuvered coffee mugs and cereal bowls, wash-cloths and toy tug-of-wars. Arbor vitae and hybrid poplar tree research mixed conversation with the latest Toby Mac lyrics. We're a houseful of tumbling preschool boys, tall sprawling teens cradling guitars and homework-filled laptops, and conversations over coffee.

Want a healthy hearty stew recipe for the weekend? Simmer a pot of this...

In a crockpot for four hours on high, cook:
-a roast
-minced garlic
-a large cut onion

Chop, then sauté in a large soup pan:
-8-10 large carrots
-a stalk of celery
- about 14 potatoes
-a rutabaga

Shred or cut up the roast into bite-sized pieces. Pour the meat, and fragrant onions, garlic and juices into large soup pot.

Add about four quarts of water, as well as salt, pepper, a dried hot pepper, and crumbled herbe de Provence. Boil until vegetables are tender, and then simmer 'til supper time.

What does the weekend look like near you?


Zoe Elmore said...
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Zoe Elmore said...

Hi friend, Thanks for commenting on my blog today. Your recipe looks way yummy!
Tom and I continue to watch & wait on the Lord to open a door for a job for Tom.

Jennifer Dougan said...


Thank you for stopping by. May God open a wondrous opportunity for your Tom-- and soon! :)


Craig and Bethany said...

This sounds delicious! Thank-you. I love recipes that use what's around the house.

And wonderful writing. You write with images.