Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hoar Frost and Learning Guy-Speak

Tall hoar frost climbs high off every branch and twig. The crystallized world took us all by surprise this morning.  Dazzling white bristles everything. 

Inside, our water pipes gurgled air or gushed black water. Puddled water downstairs yesterday alerted us to a leak. With the stores all closed at ten last night, husband simply cranked the water main to off. Since six this morning, he and the toddler have been plumbers. After letting me sleep in for part of the morning, they let me join them for the next trip to the store. 

We drove through white wonderlands. Why is it that extreme beauty makes us wonder if it’s fake? On white trees after white trees, inch-long spiked frost pointed towards the sky. 

Inside the store, we traipsed through unfamiliar aisles, talked copper piping and connectors with the salesclerk, and worried that the job would suddenly become much larger. After weeks of studying material for my upcoming “Seven Needs of a Husband” message at MOPS next week, I tried out some of it. 

Husband snorted and laughed. Okay, that one didn’t work. I was sincerely proud of him though, and wanted to learn better guy-speak. Tweaking my words some, and telling him what I was trying to do, I tried again. He grinned at me wryly.  

I have been learning that respect is one of males’ greatest needs, and that they love to tackle hard jobs for the sake of seeing if they can conquer it. According to the experts though, we females very often show disrespect to our men by our words, actions or attitudes – often without even meaning to. So I am working on this and learning.  Husband listened to my notes and information, highlighting parts of it, explaining parts of it to me, and lined them up in order of his experiences too. 

In the car-ride home, and in the laundry room as we cut copper, wiped up water, and twisted on connector rods, we laughed, talked, and savored married life. In the pipes, blackened water gurgled and then gushed out clean. 

What about you? What has your weekend been like? If you are a women, what would you say are some of the needs of a husband? If you are a male, what are some of the needs of a husband -- in your opinion?


Houseofmills said...

I stole one of your pictures and put it on my blog. hahah! What a gorgeous morning, huh?

Jennifer Dougan said...

I'm glad you liked it. It's hard to capture on film, but these three seemed to do it justice! Both Morgan and I took turns outside snapping photos.


Elizabeth said...

So, what books have you been reading. It sounds like a fascinating talk. Will you be summing up your talk on the blog? I'm intrigued!

AmyAlves said...

Hi Jennifer, first of all those were beautiful pictures and second, I just finished reading "Love And Respect" by Emerson Eggerichs. From having a husband of my own for almost 10 years now, this idea that God designed men to need respect (and women love) completely makes sense to me! Have fun sharing your thoughts with your Mops group! -Blessings, Amy

Jennifer Dougan said...

Hi Elizabeth,
Lots of books! His Needs Her Needs, Wild at Heart, Love and Respect, For Women Only, Love to Last a Lifetime, Intended for Pleasure, several articles, and more books. They are great.

Which marriage books have you most appreciated over the years?


Jennifer Dougan said...

Hi Amy,

Yes, isn't God a master psychologist?! At 17 years of marriage, I still have so much to learn, but I am loving it.

Thanks for the prayers for Thursday. I am eager to get to know these women too.


Elizabeth said...

Jen, I agree, "Love and Respect" is a great one. I also really liked the one you gave me for a wedding present - "The Power of a Praying Wife"...