Saturday, December 24, 2011

Mary and Joseph Took the Bus

Merry Christmas Eve! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend, relaxing and celebrating the Giver.

Today was a relaxing family day, savoring Christmas, Jesus' coming, and each other. We had an indoor picnic around the Christmas tree for supper, enjoying the sparkling lights in near darkness, and reminiscing about special memories from years past.

Later, hot baked chunky gingerbread cake men marched across our plates, slathered in orange frosting. (Many family members decided they did not like the strong orange frosting, so future gingerbread men were eaten au naturel.)

Preschooler Daniel and I assembled a paper nativity scene, while his siblings and dad networked computers and conspired together. In Daniel's hands, Mary and Joseph exclaimed over their new baby, putting him to bed, then walked around the stable for a while, greeted and rode the donkey, wrestled with baby Jesus, and moved around a chicken. Eventually, Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, and all the animals piled into a sturdy orange bus, and drove away. Makes sense. Wouldn't that have made the true escape to Egypt so much easier thousands of years ago too?! The family has dodged a few green plastic army men since then too, and marched across our couch.

Merry Christmas from my family to yours.


Houseofmills said...


Jennifer Dougan said...

Thanks, Merry Christmas to you too!


martha68 said...

jennifer, i'm re-running an older post and saw your comment from sept. i saw that you attended the she speaks conference. i've been trying to get feedback from people who have attended that conference. (i'm interested in the she writes track.) could you friend me on fb (martha grimm brady) or visit my page and message me there with frank comments re positives and negatives. if that isn't an option, i can give you my email address. thanks. i would appreciate it:)

Jennifer Dougan said...

Hi. Did you get my message on your site?


Jennifer Dougan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer Dougan said...

I seem to be double posting my own comments by accident. The above deletion is simply that.


cabinart said...

Great title, Jennifer! Loved being a peeping Tom into your family time.

Jennifer Dougan said...

I am glad to have you peek in and join us. :)
