"I wish it would snow so much that we would be snowed in for days!" my son has long exclaimed. Finally over Christmas this year, he got his wish! Our state was getting predictions of 18-20 inches of snow for Christmas Eve and day. Not wanting to get snowed in and miss out on time with extended family, my husband urged me to quickly pack so we could depart before the storm. Rushing around to leave two days earlier, we threw in clothes, bagged the presents, and loaded up on pineapples, mangoes, and other special fruits to share.
The two hour drive up north went smoothly. Our family of five giggled and laughed at the roaring car toys in the back of the van that chugged to life at every bump in the road. "Oooh, low and slow!" begged one green race car. Another blue race car urged us to "Show some respect, man!" in a great Latino accent, as we bumped over the highway. We laughed at our talkative kids' toys in the trunk, and hoped the batteries wouldn't wear out before the gifts were delivered to our little nephews.
Due to budget shortcuts, the storm and normal holiday days, we were thrilled to be able to spend ten days away, relishing family, thick snow drifts, chocolate truffles, and great times as a family!